After returning home, William wrote us this email. We are very glad that he is so happy with the final results:
´´Holiday Dentistry at Smile Clinic.
I have just successfully completed having ten dental implant inserted – let me tell you the story and my views of the treatment etc.
I am a male of 75 years, live in Scotland, and have been attending dentists since I was small. Over the years my teeth have suffered many fillings, crowns, and root canal treatment. Eventually I had very few of my own teeth and was having trouble swallowing food.
I arranged to see a specialist Consultant. This guy trained was a Dentist and then became a Doctor and now specialises in Ear Nose and Throat difficulties. He examined me, and inserted a thin cable up my nose so better to examine the back of the throat. It was not a pretty sight. He quickly came to the conclusion that I had insufficient teeth with which to chew properly. He asked about dentures and I stated that I had a partial upper denture which I absolutely hated. “Then have implants, if you can afford them”.
I saw three different surgeries in Scotland offering implants. I was not overly impressed and the cost was estimated to be between £35,000 and £36,000. I had to go and lie in a darkened room!
By chance I saw an article in a British newspaper which mentioned “Dental Holiday.” The upshot was that I emailed them, and from there on in I was so impressed by their communications and efficiency that I decided to give them a go.
By email they gave me an appointment at a suitable time. They preferred if I could be with them for four or five days so that they can do a proper assessment and maybe start treatment.
Ryanair flies from Edinburgh to Bratislava, and Easyjet from Edinburgh to Vienna. The Clinics English speaking driver (Daniel) will collect and return you to the airport. This fee is met by the clinic.
The clinic offers you a choice of hotels, ranging from a small Pension to a four star luxury hotel. The accommodation will be booked for you once you have made your choice. You will of course have to meet your hotel and meal expenses.

I arrived at the clinic on a Monday morning, filled in a few forms. They all speak English and all look very smart in their uniforms. I was then taken for an X-ray. State of the art equipment! After the x-ray I was seen by Mr Marek, the chief surgeon, who went over the X-rays and suggested the best course on implant treatment. That done, his Office Manageress made out a costing for me. The total treatment would cost £13,000 and the work would come with a lifetime guarantee, provided certain criteria were met. I signed the contact.
The cost is spread over the course of the treatment so it is not required all at once. They were prepared to start work that afternoon and I was advised to go and have lunch and to return at 2pm.
Piešťany is a small and pretty town whose claim to fame is their Spa and Thermal treatments. There is a pleasant island there which has a number of hotels offering these treatments and also a nine- hole golf course. The Clinic has a couple of cycles which you are free to borrow.
Of course I was somewhat apprehensive as to what was to come. Mr Marek took me into his theater and informed me that the procedure would take about four hours and that I would feel nothing. He was assisted by three lovely nurses.
I was given a number of injections and then I was instructed to wear sun glasses and then a blue surgical paper was placed over my face with an aperture cut therein for my nose and mouth. Something like Vaseline was smeared on my lips and then a soft gel-like guard was placed rounds my lips and so keeping my mouth open.
Mr Marek, as do his other surgeons, wear a headset with small binoculars and a light. It is micro surgery. If you think about it your mouth is open to the size of a small orange and they have to work within that sphere.
I was in the chair for about four hours and I felt no pain. I was aware that there was drilling and hammering and screwing but NO PAIN.
That was enough for that afternoon and had to return in the morning for the temporary teeth to be made.
I was not really in the mood for a large evening meal but I frequented an ice cream parlour and had a number of scoops which soothed things a lot.
Next day I was attended by three nurses who fashioned temporary teeth and took a great deal of care in doing so.
The following day the rest of the implant work was undertaken including the removal of a wisdom tooth.
Finally for that period I had the temporary teeth fitted and came home.
I had to return about three months later. This is because it takes that time for the metal implants to seal successfully into the jaw bone.
On returning the temporary teeth are removed and impressions are taken from which the final teeth would be crafted. You may have had impressions taken at a UK dentist. The impressions taken here are much more advanced. As of course is all their equipment. So home again with the temporary teeth fitted, to return at a later date.
Now all is complete. I have for the first time in my later life a mouth full of teeth and am getting used to the fact that I can chew on either side of my mouth. Today I visited my local dentist for a check up as I still have a few of my own teeth. She was most impressed with the work undertaken by Smile Clinic
Should anyone reading this want to have a chat with me (I have no connection at all with the clinic) I would be happy to put your mind at rest and answer as many questions as you would care to ask.
Douglas Wares J.P. 01250 873404 or ´´